Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Love Treasure Hunting

Those who know me will know what I mean when I say I'm cleaning out Nunny's house. For those who don't, Nunny was my grandmother. She passed away several months ago at the age of 93.

Someone now has to redisperse all of her belongings (i.e., trash, give, or keep). The task can be pretty interesting when the person was so old and lived in the same house for most of their life. This incredible responsibility has fallen to me for several reasons, one of which is that I love to root through old junk. I'm a nostalgic person and I loved my Nunny.

This first Freshwater File is going to be about 2 things that I am putting into my "keep" category. And maybe this one should be called a "Knouse File," out of respect.

The first is this...


Dear Lord, why didn't my father (I assume this belonged to him) have a whole box of these? January 1957, 35 cents! I almost died when I found it. There are stories by Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick. I get overly excited just thinking about reading it. Hell, I get pretty excited just looking at that cover art.

On the back cover, an advertisement for The Science-Fiction Book Club pokes fun at a geek-tastic money making scheme..."It may sound fantastic. It may be illegal. But the former chairman of the Hayden Planetarium in New York is actually selling deeds to one-acre plots on the Moon for $1 each! And more than 4,500 people have bought such plots!" Ah, I love me some nerd humor.

My second submission is this awesome little leaflet...

How to Develop a More Successful Personality: For a Winning & Magnetic "You"! At the bottom: Completely Illustrated With: Photographs, Diagrams, Charts. Oh, I am loving this. I am always trying so hard to be a winning and magnetic "me"!

The seven success secrets, as outlined by Joe Bonobo:

1. Be yourself

2. Look up!
...OK, but if I see a spider on the ceiling, I might freak out.

3. Courtesy counts!
...eh, I think it can be a bit overrated so that's one to work on.

4. How friendly are you?
...pretty damned, thank you very much.

5. Take the initiative!

6. That string on your finger!
...uhm, I think he's talking about memory here??? What?

7. Persistence pays off!
...That's what I always say.

It looks like I am on my way to rocking even harder than I already do. Thanks Joe Bonobo.

I have found a myriad of entertaining things in the house so far. The next file will be about some old drawings done by myself and my Autistic brother. Don't miss it!


The Freshwater Files © 2008 Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina