Friday, June 20, 2008

I Hate Housework

I did the dishes! There! Now can I go out and play?

I hate doing dishes, doing laundry, food-shopping, cooking, cleaning, and every other thankless, fruitless, wifely/motherly duty that I feel a responsibility to perform! I want to go to the pool with my books. I want to go see some movies. I want to make jewelry. I want to drink beer-and often do while muddling through the aforementioned shit jobs.

I always feel like other women do these things happily and with pride. It's bullshit, but they are faking it so well! How do they do it? How do they make me feel like I should WANT to clean and take care of people? I'm always wishing to find some joy in it, but I never do.

Truth is, I have far too many colorful interests and I am never satisfied with my accomplishments in any of them. I'm always looking to the next project and how I can improve upon the current. Whether it be something for the tearoom, a jewelry idea, or just decorating a room in my house, I constantly strive to outdo myself. It's borderline OCD. I admit it.

This about sums it up...


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