Friday, June 27, 2008

I Love Huge Messes

I spent all day Monday rooting through more junk at Nunny's. I'm trying to get the attic totally cleaned out because that is where Evan wants to start remodeling. It's not too bad. There wasn't much up there. The tough thing is going to be packing up all of my Dad's old Lionel trains. He has a huge built-in table up there with a whole crazy setup. Those things are worth a fortune! *cha-ching* There's my new bathroom. (Sike?)

Yesterday, I delivered pizzas! Good times. My friend, Rachel, actually bought the Vocelli's Pizza on route 60 that we both worked at in high school. It was Pizza Outlet then. Yep, she's been there for 11 years. While I'm not getting paid by the tearoom all Summer, we both thought it would work out for me to cover a couple of lunches each week.

What I want to know about Vocelli's is who the hell Vocelli is? I know for a fact that the company is still owned and operated by the Turkish family who started it - the Ablaks. There isn't a thing Italian about the company and there never was. I find the new name hilarious.

In recent news, I am filthy. I'm covered in soot from the tearoom. My Dad just keeps gutting shit! I headed out today to sort through some things and organize the randomness. Most things are covered in a fine layer of black dust thanks to his recent round of demolition. I'm a dirty mess. First I intend to savor this beer I'm drinking for as long as I can before showering. I earned it.

Over lunch, I offered my services (however limited) to what he is doing. Surprisingly, he started rattling off horrible, time consuming jobs that I could do to save him the hassle. I'm glad to help any way I can so it looks like I will be training for the shop-vac Olympic team next week.

Oh, and I made something this week. Geekery is collectible, you see, and so is jewelry...

The Answer


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