Monday, July 14, 2008

I Love My Birthday

I feel like now that the weekend has ended, I can unleash my birthday excitement. We're going to Bar11 on Saturday. I have, surprisingly, never been there. All friends who a - share my silly, childish ideas of fun or b - know me at all tell me I would love it.

Since it is usually kind of difficult to get the crew outside of the general area on a regular basis, I am playing the birthday card. Not that I'm talking shit! It makes sense for us all to stay local since we all live in the same vicinity. Plus, most of us are "accounted for" so we aren't exactly in need of much diversity. And who needs the headache of coordinating anything when you KNOW that the important folks will always go to the Hop House? You say be there - and they are there. Easy peasy.

But since it's my birthday, I want to break free of the routine.

That Guy, consider this your invitation. :D


That guy said...

Snap! I've been called out!

I'll be there!

Make It So said...

Aaaaaallll right! :D

The Freshwater Files © 2008 Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina