Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Hate Waiting

I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.

I am sick of sitting here! I know like 5 people (at least) are coming over, but I am sick of waiting. Somebody call me a waaaaaaaahmbulance.

Been sitting here all day - doing laundry, dishes, cleaning, entertaining Ivy, watching Sesame Street, rescuing a giant groundhog from my mad dogs. You know, the usual. Now I need some beer and some company - in that order. Is that too much to ask? Hehe.


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