Sunday, June 22, 2008

I Love Exercise

Several months ago, out of the blue, I started to work out regularly. My Knouse metabolism is incredible beyond reason or justice. People hate me for it. So, I wasn't interested in losing weight, just getting into better shape and managing my moods. I'm a hormonal bitch a lot of the time. Working out has definitely taken the edge off of my wicked attitude problem. My reason for writing about this? Just that I just had an unplanned free half-hour while Ivy napped. I did the right thing and did some hardcore aerobics workout with some chicks that have more energy than people have a right to. I'm proud of myself and I feel like bragging.

Oooooh! My Mom just stopped by with presents for me and Ivy. She gave me a ceramic skull cup thing. I don't really understand what it is, but I like it. Maybe a picture will make its way on here if I have a second. It looks good next to the skull shot glass on the TV. Ivy got some puzzles. Rock!


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